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当前的领先错误发音检测和诊断(MDD)系统通过端到端音素识别实现有希望的性能。这种端到端解决方案的一个挑战是在自然L2语音上缺乏人类注销的音素。在这项工作中,我们通过伪标记(PL)程序利用未标记的L2语音,并扩展基于预先训练的自我监督学习(SSL)模型的微调方法。具体而言,我们使用WAV2VEC 2.0作为我们的SSL模型,并使用原始标记的L2语音样本以及创建的伪标记的L2语音样本进行微调。我们的伪标签是动态的,是由在线模型的合奏生成的,这确保了我们的模型对伪标签的噪声具有强大的功能。我们表明,使用伪标签进行微调可实现5.35%的音素错误率降低和2.48%的MDD F1得分在仅标签样本的基线基线。提出的PL方法还显示出优于常规的离线PL方法。与最先进的MDD系统相比,我们的MDD解决方案会产生更准确,一致的语音误差诊断。此外,我们对单独的UTD-4ACCENTS数据集进行了开放测试,在该数据集中,我们的系统识别输出基于重音和清晰度,与人类感知有着密切的相关性。
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制定了具有机器学习模拟(骆驼)项目的宇宙学和天体物理学,通过数千名宇宙的流体动力模拟和机器学习将宇宙学与天体物理学结合起来。骆驼包含4,233个宇宙学仿真,2,049个n-body和2,184个最先进的流体动力模拟,在参数空间中采样巨大的体积。在本文中,我们介绍了骆驼公共数据发布,描述了骆驼模拟的特性和由它们产生的各种数据产品,包括光环,次麦,银河系和空隙目录,功率谱,Bispectra,Lyman - $ \ Alpha $光谱,概率分布函数,光环径向轮廓和X射线光子列表。我们还释放了超过骆驼 - 山姆的数十亿个星系的目录:与Santa Cruz半分析模型相结合的大量N身体模拟。我们释放包含350多个Terabytes的所有数据,并包含143,922个快照,数百万光环,星系和摘要统计数据。我们提供有关如何访问,下载,读取和处理数据AT \ URL {https://camels.readthedocs.io}的进一步技术详细信息。
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Plastic shopping bags that get carried away from the side of roads and tangled on cotton plants can end up at cotton gins if not removed before the harvest. Such bags may not only cause problem in the ginning process but might also get embodied in cotton fibers reducing its quality and marketable value. Therefore, it is required to detect, locate, and remove the bags before cotton is harvested. Manually detecting and locating these bags in cotton fields is labor intensive, time-consuming and a costly process. To solve these challenges, we present application of four variants of YOLOv5 (YOLOv5s, YOLOv5m, YOLOv5l and YOLOv5x) for detecting plastic shopping bags using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)-acquired RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) images. We also show fixed effect model tests of color of plastic bags as well as YOLOv5-variant on average precision (AP), mean average precision (mAP@50) and accuracy. In addition, we also demonstrate the effect of height of plastic bags on the detection accuracy. It was found that color of bags had significant effect (p < 0.001) on accuracy across all the four variants while it did not show any significant effect on the AP with YOLOv5m (p = 0.10) and YOLOv5x (p = 0.35) at 95% confidence level. Similarly, YOLOv5-variant did not show any significant effect on the AP (p = 0.11) and accuracy (p = 0.73) of white bags, but it had significant effects on the AP (p = 0.03) and accuracy (p = 0.02) of brown bags including on the mAP@50 (p = 0.01) and inference speed (p < 0.0001). Additionally, height of plastic bags had significant effect (p < 0.0001) on overall detection accuracy. The findings reported in this paper can be useful in speeding up removal of plastic bags from cotton fields before harvest and thereby reducing the amount of contaminants that end up at cotton gins.
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This article presents a survey of literature in the area of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), specifically on systems containing more than two agents (i.e., having multiple humans and/or multiple robots). We identify three core aspects of ``Multi-agent" HRI systems that are useful for understanding how these systems differ from dyadic systems and from one another. These are the Team structure, Interaction style among agents, and the system's Computational characteristics. Under these core aspects, we present five attributes of HRI systems, namely Team size, Team composition, Interaction model, Communication modalities, and Robot control. These attributes are used to characterize and distinguish one system from another. We populate resulting categories with examples from recent literature along with a brief discussion of their applications and analyze how these attributes differ from the case of dyadic human-robot systems. We summarize key observations from the current literature, and identify challenges and promising areas for future research in this domain. In order to realize the vision of robots being part of the society and interacting seamlessly with humans, there is a need to expand research on multi-human -- multi-robot systems. Not only do these systems require coordination among several agents, they also involve multi-agent and indirect interactions which are absent from dyadic HRI systems. Adding multiple agents in HRI systems requires advanced interaction schemes, behavior understanding and control methods to allow natural interactions among humans and robots. In addition, research on human behavioral understanding in mixed human-robot teams also requires more attention. This will help formulate and implement effective robot control policies in HRI systems with large numbers of heterogeneous robots and humans; a team composition reflecting many real-world scenarios.
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Despite the impact of psychiatric disorders on clinical health, early-stage diagnosis remains a challenge. Machine learning studies have shown that classifiers tend to be overly narrow in the diagnosis prediction task. The overlap between conditions leads to high heterogeneity among participants that is not adequately captured by classification models. To address this issue, normative approaches have surged as an alternative method. By using a generative model to learn the distribution of healthy brain data patterns, we can identify the presence of pathologies as deviations or outliers from the distribution learned by the model. In particular, deep generative models showed great results as normative models to identify neurological lesions in the brain. However, unlike most neurological lesions, psychiatric disorders present subtle changes widespread in several brain regions, making these alterations challenging to identify. In this work, we evaluate the performance of transformer-based normative models to detect subtle brain changes expressed in adolescents and young adults. We trained our model on 3D MRI scans of neurotypical individuals (N=1,765). Then, we obtained the likelihood of neurotypical controls and psychiatric patients with early-stage schizophrenia from an independent dataset (N=93) from the Human Connectome Project. Using the predicted likelihood of the scans as a proxy for a normative score, we obtained an AUROC of 0.82 when assessing the difference between controls and individuals with early-stage schizophrenia. Our approach surpassed recent normative methods based on brain age and Gaussian Process, showing the promising use of deep generative models to help in individualised analyses.
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With the growth of residential rooftop PV adoption in recent decades, the problem of 1 effective layout design has become increasingly important in recent years. Although a number 2 of automated methods have been introduced, these tend to rely on simplifying assumptions and 3 heuristics to improve computational tractability. We demonstrate a fully automated layout design 4 pipeline that attempts to solve a more general formulation with greater geometric flexibility that 5 accounts for shading losses. Our approach generates rooftop areas from satellite imagery and uses 6 MINLP optimization to select panel positions, azimuth angles and tilt angles on an individual basis 7 rather than imposing any predefined layouts. Our results demonstrate that although several common 8 heuristics are often effective, they may not be universally suitable due to complications resulting 9 from geometric restrictions and shading losses. Finally, we evaluate a few specific heuristics from the 10 literature and propose a potential new rule of thumb that may help improve rooftop solar energy 11 potential when shading effects are considered.
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In the last decade, exponential data growth supplied machine learning-based algorithms' capacity and enabled their usage in daily-life activities. Additionally, such an improvement is partially explained due to the advent of deep learning techniques, i.e., stacks of simple architectures that end up in more complex models. Although both factors produce outstanding results, they also pose drawbacks regarding the learning process as training complex models over large datasets are expensive and time-consuming. Such a problem is even more evident when dealing with video analysis. Some works have considered transfer learning or domain adaptation, i.e., approaches that map the knowledge from one domain to another, to ease the training burden, yet most of them operate over individual or small blocks of frames. This paper proposes a novel approach to map the knowledge from action recognition to event recognition using an energy-based model, denoted as Spectral Deep Belief Network. Such a model can process all frames simultaneously, carrying spatial and temporal information through the learning process. The experimental results conducted over two public video dataset, the HMDB-51 and the UCF-101, depict the effectiveness of the proposed model and its reduced computational burden when compared to traditional energy-based models, such as Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Deep Belief Networks.
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We present HetNet (Multi-level \textbf{Het}erogeneous \textbf{Net}work), a highly efficient mirror detection network. Current mirror detection methods focus more on performance than efficiency, limiting the real-time applications (such as drones). Their lack of efficiency is aroused by the common design of adopting homogeneous modules at different levels, which ignores the difference between different levels of features. In contrast, HetNet detects potential mirror regions initially through low-level understandings (\textit{e.g.}, intensity contrasts) and then combines with high-level understandings (contextual discontinuity for instance) to finalize the predictions. To perform accurate yet efficient mirror detection, HetNet follows an effective architecture that obtains specific information at different stages to detect mirrors. We further propose a multi-orientation intensity-based contrasted module (MIC) and a reflection semantic logical module (RSL), equipped on HetNet, to predict potential mirror regions by low-level understandings and analyze semantic logic in scenarios by high-level understandings, respectively. Compared to the state-of-the-art method, HetNet runs 664$\%$ faster and draws an average performance gain of 8.9$\%$ on MAE, 3.1$\%$ on IoU, and 2.0$\%$ on F-measure on two mirror detection benchmarks.
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Out-of-distribution detection is crucial to the safe deployment of machine learning systems. Currently, the state-of-the-art in unsupervised out-of-distribution detection is dominated by generative-based approaches that make use of estimates of the likelihood or other measurements from a generative model. Reconstruction-based methods offer an alternative approach, in which a measure of reconstruction error is used to determine if a sample is out-of-distribution. However, reconstruction-based approaches are less favoured, as they require careful tuning of the model's information bottleneck - such as the size of the latent dimension - to produce good results. In this work, we exploit the view of denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPM) as denoising autoencoders where the bottleneck is controlled externally, by means of the amount of noise applied. We propose to use DDPMs to reconstruct an input that has been noised to a range of noise levels, and use the resulting multi-dimensional reconstruction error to classify out-of-distribution inputs. Our approach outperforms not only reconstruction-based methods, but also state-of-the-art generative-based approaches.
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